
We do photographic, audiovisual and journalism coverage of stories and news for our own projects, for local, national and international media, magazines and agencies.

Hacemos cobertura fotográfica, audiovisual y periodismo de historias y noticias para proyectos propios, para medios, revistas y agencias locales, nacionales e internacionales.

publications / publicaciones

Changing A River’s Course

NORTH CAROLINA - A new movement wants to establish that the Haw River has its own independent, inalienable rights. It’s a long shot, but organizers hope it can change the framing of environmental protection.

Article by Barry Yeoman

Photos: Roderico Y. Díaz for The Assembly

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Between Place and Party

NORTH CAROLINA - Charles Graham has rejected party orthodoxy, gone internet viral, and run a dozen points ahead of the Democratic ticket. Now, his bid for an upset congressional victory highlights the challenge for North Carolina’s moderate rural Democrats.

Article by Barry Yeoman

Photos: Roderico Y. Díaz for The Assembly

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The Contested Swamps of Robeson County

NORTH CAROLINA - A behemoth natural-gas facility, sitting atop a disrupted archeological site, represents the latest environmental challenge for one of the state’s most diverse yet burdened counties. But the debate over history, benefit, and protection is far more complicated than it first appears.

Article by Barry Yeoman, Photos: Roderico Y. Díaz for The Assembly

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in Guatemala, Justice Prevailed in Emblematic Wartime Sexual Violence Case

GUATEMALA CITY - Maya Achí survivors and their families celebrated the groundbreaking verdict that convicted five former paramilitaries of crimes against humanity during the country’s internal armed conflict.

Photo Essays by Roderico Y. Díaz for NACLA US

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After Lengthy Court Battle, Five Ex-Paramilitary Soldiers Convicted for Sexualized Violence against Indigenous Women in Guatemala

GUATEMALA CITY — In late January, in a landmark case for justice in Guatemala, five former paramilitary soldiers were convicted by a special tribunal of crimes against humanity for sexualized violence committed against five indigenous Maya Achí women in the early ’80s

Text by Emily G. Rhyne and Roderico Y. Díaz. Photo Roderico Y. Díaz for: Women’s Media Center (WMC)

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Pan de muerto: una receta que celebra tradición y sabor

Durham.- Uno de los elementos principales que representa el sabor y el olor en la decoración de los altares para las el Día de Muertos es el tradicional pan de muerto.

Nota y Fotografía Roderico Y. Díaz para Qué Pasa Media Network

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Mujeres Achí ganan una larga batalla en las cortes de Guatemala

GUATEMALA CITY - En un caso histórico para la justicia en Guatemala, un tribunal especial condenó a cinco ex paramilitares a 30 años de cárcel por deberes contra la humanidad en su modalidad de violencia sexual cometidos durante el conflicto armado interno en Guatemala (1960-1996).

Texto y fotografías: Roderico Y. Díaz y Emily G. Rhyne para Avispa Midia (México)

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Celebraron festival para honrar a difuntos con altares, comidas y danzas

Varias organizaciones y comunidades alrededor de Carolina del Norte han realizado diversos eventos en los últimos días para conmemorar el Día de Muertos, una tradición que muchos países en América Latina celebran para honrar a los difuntos y particularmente en México que resalta por su colorido y tradiciones culturales.

Nota y Fotografía Roderico Y. Díaz para Qué Pasa Media Network

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Evento comunitario de vacunación COVID-19 en Durham el sábado

Una jornada de vacunación gratuita y sin cita previa se realizará el día de mañana 12 de noviembre en el Wheels Fun Park, una pista de patinaje ubicada en Durham.

Nota y video para Qué Pasa Media Network

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Photography / Fotografía


Music Videos / Videos Musicales